Davidson College is located about thirty minutes north of
Charlotte, NC. The town sits on Lake Norman, and the campus is adjacent to the
town center. Davidson is somewhat rural and suburban and is in the middle of a
prime summer vacation area. The school has many connections and regular access
to Charlotte, but it should be noted that Davidson is secluded and somewhat
isolated, something that will appeal to some and be of concern to others.
July Experience

It is clear that July Experience is a rich academic program
well suited for students looking to challenge themselves and are seeking a
broad life experience. Course offerings are numerous and wide in range. This
summer offered twelve courses, several of them in the sciences, but the list
also included music, math, English, and social sciences. Classes are taught by
Davidson faculty (not grad students). The ratio of instructor to student is
7:1, while counselor to student is 9:1. The program is well structured with
class, study time, extra-curriculars, college workshops, and a number of cultural
events. Parents receive a letter from the professor at the end of the program
outlining the student’s strengths, weaknesses, and progress. Parents can also
request a conference.
Applications go online in November and are due April 1st.
Admission decisions are made by April 20th. Applications include a
student interest essay, a high school profile, and letters of recommendation
from a counselor and administrator. Understanding the workloads of some
counselors, they will also accept teacher letters. The program will look at
PSAT and/or SAT scores and want GPAs around 3.5.
Evelyn Gerdes, the July Experience director, made it very
clear that she would be interested in working with the ILC. She was a bit
hesitant about the chaperone piece of the ILC, but I assured her that it was
not something that would interfere with the day-to-day activities of her
program. I was very impressed with the program (and its goals) and would
recommend that the ILC follow up and possibly make Davidson another site for
our students.
Davidson College
I met with Irma Navarro from admissions at Davidson. She
should be considered a true ally of the ILC, as she completely understands our
mission and student population. She is a graduate of Davidson who worked at
Emory admissions before returning to her alma mater. She is originally from
inner city Chicago and has gone through the kinds of experiences our students
have in the WCCUSD. Her Latina background and enthusiasm about the ILC make her
an ideal connection for us, and I would recommend that our students visit this
campus (and her!) in the future.

Davidson is ideal for students interested in the sciences or
who wish to travel and study abroad. 80% of students go abroad during their
time at Davidson. 91% of graduates go on to advanced degrees. Along with
academic rigor, the idea of community is important to Davidson. This is clear
in the fact that they have the highest rate (60%) of alumni contributions among
their peer schools. The school is very small at 1900 or so students.
Davidson’s student body is 50/50 male and female. They are
20% students of color. Irma was adamant in saying that Davidson is currently at
a crucial point in their direction, as they are expanding the ethnic and racial
scope of their programs and professors (as demanded by the student body). The
school boasts a 90% retention rate for their students of color, a number that
is higher than their peer schools and most historically black colleges. The
school has programs in place to ensure this kind of success, including one
named STRIDE.
Irma also spoke personally about her belief that Davidson is
the kind of school where students of color learn to be comfortable being
uncomfortable. She believes that the Davidson experience is positive for
students of color, as it builds resilience and fosters an environment of
self-advocacy. This was separate from her admissions pitch, and I am convinced
that for many qualified students from our district, Davidson is an excellent
Davidson applications are considered holistically. With that
said, academic rigor is considered in the highest regard. Davidson wants to see
that students have challenged themselves by taking advantage of the
higher-level courses in each academic area at their school. Profiles of the high
schools need to be clear and strong. She also
stressed the importance of the short essay on the common application and
pointed to their website as a source of advice on the application essays. She
emphasized the importance of students including their own family
responsibilities and work schedules under the umbrella of extra curricular
activities. Admissions values this time outside of school and will consider it
highly. They also ask for two teacher letters, as well as one counselor and one
For one of our motivated and high achieving students in the
district – ones that can appreciate the seclusion and tight community of
Davidson- this school is ideal. They have the resources, enthusiasm, and
support that will make our students successful.
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